Our Project

Our Dream

Our dream is to teach the English Language to children of poor families and offer them the same opportunity as children whose family has better possibilities. All children deserve to be able to build better future with improved economical conditions for themselves and their families.

English is the worldwide known language and to become fluently tomorrow, is the best we can donate them today.

Sri Lanka is a developing country where children today have better opportunities than their parents had but a lot more can be done for them especially regarding learning the English language.

Of course they study English in public government schools. However, class sizes are of forty-sixty children, and therefore, it is not so easy for them to achieve a proficient level.

We teach in small groups of eight-ten children with one local teacher and a supporting mother-tongue teacher, so that each student is followed individually, receives help with pronunciation, is corrected immediately, and receives any other assistance where needed.

We implement the Cambridge Course for Children with games, movies, story book reading, yoga classes, painting and many other activities but the rule is:

“All in English”


The future of Sri Lanka is meant to be interesting for all people, and as for this school…its future is also in question?

For when all these plans and dreams of our school have been achieved and completed, there is a need to think about the future of this company, Associazione Fabio Jonathan Onlus GL.

This Onlus for charity originated and continues to be funded from Italy, therefore, I would like to see this project and Associazione Fabio Jonathan’s legacy continue. I intend to find a female whose aim is to continue what I have started in her country. Only when such a person is found, all management, decision making and funding will be passed on to her. I really hope it will be soon, so that she will be able to learn while walking aside me and become a better manager than what I have been.



We have been teaching for twelve years in some rented rooms and some of our first students nowadays have reached important goals like attending University to become a lawyer or teaching English to our small children or working as a receptionist in a five-star local hotel. Our motto is:

“Culture is freedom: We can do it!”

Please visit www.fabiojonathan.org or the Facebook page: Associazione Fabio Jonathan to get more information.